Objectives & Challenges

As with many older buildings, the original features and facilities had started to fail, including the defective and inefficient cast iron pipework heating system. With large and regular crowds of worshippers to keep comfortable, it was necessary to replace the existing heating system with new facilities. 

However, given the protected status of the building and the cherished position it held within the diocese and the wider community, it was crucial that any planned improvements met a number of key criteria and gained approval from several parties, including the Historic Churches Committee (HCC), the diocese Trustees and the Parish themselves.

Zehnder's classic Charleston multi-column radiators were specified into the project, due to their robust build, subtle yet attractive appearance and reliable performance. The classic style of the radiators were a good fit for the ecclesiastical surroundings and did not detract from the historical nature of this grade I listed building. The tubular radiator provides comfortable radiant heat and is available in almost any colour and finish from the Zehnder colour chart.

“The fact that the Zehnder Charleston is available in a large range of appropriate colours was another favourable reason to specify them into the Cathedral.”

John Book MCIBSE, FRSPH, Consultant

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