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Rachel Bowden - 361 Communications
Introducing The Zehnder Studio Collection
Zehnder Group UK Ltd are pleased to announce the launch of the Zehnder Studio Collection, a new portfolio of innovative heating products.

Following the ethos of ‘When Form Follows Function’ the new Zehnder Studio Collection takes the best elements of both the Zehnder and Bisque brands delivering industry leading products and designs backed by an unwavering level of technical expertise.

Launching on 1st July 2022, the new Zehnder Studio Collection will see the introduction of 9 new products and an all-new colour system, whilst retaining the popular Zehnder & Bisque designs and colours. Besides the innovative product and colour introductions, the launch of the Zehnder Studio Collection also provides an opportunity to introduce a number of new customer tools including a new Zehnder radiators website specifically designed with the user in mind.

“The launch of the New Zehnder Studio Collection is an exciting milestone for the UK radiator market. This introduction, including stunning new designer radiators in Glass and Corian is a new dawn for the Zehnder brand and our heating ambitions. Despite the retirement of the Bisque brand, the core values and DNA of Bisque will live on within the Zehnder Selection & the new Zehnder Studio Collection products, also in our customer tools, communication and our customer support offers – all of which are highly valued by our customers and end-consumers alike” Commented Allan Jones, Commercial Director for Zehnder Group UK Ltd

Over the coming weeks and months, Zehnder’s sales representatives will meet with their key customers to provide more detail of this launch and the new products & colours whilst demonstrating the vast array of benefits to this new collection.

Contact Person
Rachel Bowden - 361 Communications
Contact Person
Rachel Bowden - 361 Communications
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